

Location: Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Date: 2019
Photos: Johannes Sunde
Model: Hedda Sandvik

Imagine yourself-
Taking a photograph of a friend, and the exact moment
you push the button, someone walks right into your frame.
Or at a museum trying to capture the most intricate piece
of art, but all you can see is the reflection of your phone in
the glass display. Or outside, snapping a nature shot in the
evening, only to find your motif covered by your own shadow.

Would you delete these pictures?

Disrupted imagery & unintended motifs is a project reflecting 
on how a motif is affected when unexpected factors come into play.
Looking into disrupted photographies and discarded image material
ive searched for new values in the momentarily uncontrollable.
Both human factors and ones manifesting through light, shadow and weather 

Med utgangspunkt i feilaktig fotografi og forkastet
bildemateriale reflekterer Annikken Wilhelmsen i dette
prosjektet rundt hvordan et motiv blir påvirket når  uventede
faktorer spiller inn.
Enten faktorene er menneskelige eller manifesterer seg i form
av lys og skygge, åpnes det for egne tanker rundt hva som gjør
et uttrykk mislykket.
Er det uforutsette en forstyrrelse, eller en tilførsel av nye verdier?

© Annikken Wilhelmsen